Friday, April 26, 2013

Sara's Voice

Written & Directed by Jared Doles
Produced by Christopher Robin Gallego

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Pi Kappa Alpha at ASU, 2013

Arizona State University

Friday, April 12, 2013

The International Fraternity, in cooperation with Arizona State University, is pleased to announce the newest colony of Pi Kappa Alpha. Pi Kappa Alpha recently completed a record breaking expansion project (February 25 – March 8) recruiting and pinning 202 men to be future founding fathers of PIKE at Arizona State. Expansion Consultants Carson Simms (Chapman University, Theta Psi ‘07) and Justin Kohrs (Northern Kentucky, Eta Rho ‘07) were on campus as the professional staff coordinating the project. 

Founded in 1885, Arizona State University is now the largest public university in the United States with enrollment sitting at roughly 73,000 students broadly organized into 16 colleges and schools spread across 4 campuses. Along with multiple athletic clubs, ASU is also home to over 1,200 registered student organizations across its campuses, reflecting the diversity of the student body. After a seven year hiatus, PIKE returns to the ASU Greek community as the 26th fraternity, and the colony is now part of a Greek population comprised of over 3,500 men and women.
In addition to leading PIKE at ASU to become a chartered chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha, the colony members have already begun dominating in every statistical category. The colony men are spread throughout 90 clubs and organizations across campus including; 24 varsity and club athletes, 36 ROTC men, 5 presidents of other student organizations, ASU mascot (Sparky), VP of student government, 8 men in professional business fraternities, multiple men on honors scholarships, and more.

 The membership’s focus on scholarship is astonishing- with 25 men in the Barrett Honors College and over 140 men who have a 3.0 GPA or higher, 42 of which have above a 3.5 GPA, PIKE ranks in the top five groups academically. Additionally, for the first time in ASU history, the IFC cumulative chapter GPA is above a 3.0 – a direct result of PIKE’s addition to the Greek community. 

With a membership size of 202, PIKE is currently the largest Greek organization at Arizona State. On-site the expansion team generated 615 names and conducted 460 interviews in a 7 week time period.  This makes the re-colonization of the Delta Tau chapter at Arizona State the largest expansion project in Pi Kappa Alpha’s 145 year history.